I ordered new ostomy supplies last week. They promised I'd have them by Tuesday, at the latest. This is Tuesday night. No bags were delivered. I will have to call tomorrow and find out when I can expect delivery. I'm down to just a few adhesive "wafers" and about ten bags. That will last a few days, but I don't want to run out.
I wonder if my insurance company declined to approve the shipment. Those stupid jerks. I hate them.
And I have horrible back pain today. I took a Percocet a while ago, so the back feels a tad better.
Donnie came to visit today. He got rained off the beach last night.
Now he has keys to our apartment, so that if he has weather issues again, he can come and stay here, until it clears up.
Maybe this is stupid.
But it was very nice to see him. I'm probably really high on the painkiller at the moment, but... I think I'll still be glad, tomorrow, that I know he has a safe place to land if life as a homeless guy gets too scary, cold, wet, or lonely.
Now... back to the job search tomorrow.
I have an agenda. Can't stay awake to write it down at the moment. But I should recall it all, tomorrow. Good night.
Thank you SO much for the keys to your place. I have NO problem being homeless. My main concern is finding a place for my things, Clyde and Baby as my car is about to die. As I have no money, I feel guilty staying at your one bedroom place with your three daughters and being unable to contribute financially. Keep in mind. I used to live alone in a three bedroom townhouse which cost less than your one bedroom in Hollywood. Four single women and one single man really can be a bit claustophobic. Besides, how can I produce a legit documentary about the homeless while living with YA'LL!