Saturday, May 21, 2011

So I avoid blogging

Every so often I feel a strong urge to blog about the anal cancer or the horrific details of life with an ostomy. But this is not one of those times. Usually when the impulse strikes, it's because something awful has happened, and ... I don't really want to publish the worst things that happen.

Today, I'm just blogging because I'm here, at my desk, late at night, in the quiet, while everyone else is sleeping... and I feel like writing. No passionate treatise on anything important. Just... stuff.

But I'm tired. A quiet night is a wonderful thing. I think I'll go empty the bag again, and get to bed.

1 comment:

  1. The good news is that you are writing!

    You have exceeeded the total number of blogs that you wrote in the entire year last year.

    And it is ONLY June!

