My 20 year old daughter just walked in the front door and said, "It smells like poop in here."
Her sister piped up, "I just farted. Sorry."
I knew it couldn't be me, even though I've been farting every few minutes and pooping constantly... because all of my gas and excrement empty into a plastic bag that's glued onto my gut... and it's sealed, doesn't leak, and doesn't smell.
I'm getting really sick of emptying and cleaning the bag. I've have very prolific intestines today. ANd right now, about ten minutes after the last time I emptied and cleaned it, it's filling up with gas again. I guess I'll go see what else is in it, and empty it again.
I'll do that, and then I'll take out my contacts and go to bed.
So there you go, Donny. I blogged. I might do it again soon. I will. I will do it soon, again.
Well done! The world needs to know that even in your awful situation of living through rectal cancer that humor can be found. I am SO proud of you that you got yourself off of the coach and you are doing something. YOU are doing what you were meant to do. You were meant to write and you were meant to act. Look even Emily Dickinson was not published until after her death, you are now a published author. YOU were awesome when you starred and directed The Belle of Amherst! I think it time that you find that script and let the world see you again, this time with a colostomy bag!